COVID-19 Procedures and Protocols at Integritus Healthcare

At Integritus Healthcare, keeping our residents healthy and safe is our number one priority. In response to COVID-19, we’ve taken extra precautions in order to deliver the best possible care.

  • Implemented prevention strategies before recommendations from the CDC came out – including taking the temperature of staff, residents, and one-way entry and exit to the building
  • Implemented infection control and epidemiology consults to ensure protocols are current and appropriate, based on new learnings around virus transmission
  • Take immediate action for any signs of symptoms, including droplet precaution and testing
  • Follow CDC and Massachusetts DPH guidelines related to care and infection control
  • Perform thorough and frequent cleaning in all areas of the facility
  • Place new admissions on a 14-day quarantine and adhere to recommended cohorting guidelines during stay
  • Ongoing creative delivery of services such as PT and OT in patient rooms
  • Continue state advised visitation limitations, while offering pre-scheduled outdoor visits and video-chats with staff support
  • Provide ongoing staff education
  • Provide access to appropriate and sufficient PPE and supplies